Delmarva Review unveiled the cover for its 15th anniversary edition, forthcoming later this month. It also announced the submission period for the 16th annual issue, open now through March 31, 2023.
The review does not charge authors reading or publishing fees. All writers are welcome to send their best work for consideration. Guidelines and submission access are on the website: www.DelmarvaReview.org.
This year’s cover photograph is The Fisherman is by Maryland photographer Wilson Wyatt. The image is of an osprey in the early spring. With wings spread to exhibit his power, the osprey positioned himself high above the water on a storm-broken tree trunk, his talons clutching a partially devoured fish.
“The osprey’s purpose,” Wyatt says, “is not so much the fish as it is his desire to lure a suitable mate for the season’s nest. Thematically, the image exhibits the territorial imperative shared throughout the animal kingdom, including among humans.” The 15th annual edition of the literary journal, now at the printer, will highlight new poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from 60 authors. Details of the contents will be announced soon. Consult the website for details: www.DelmarvaReview.org.