Delmarva Review Announces “Best of” Anthology
Delmarva Review Announces "The Best of" Anthology Poetry and Prose from 75 Authors November 2024 - St. Michaels, MD - A notable new literary anthology, The Best of Delmarva Review 2008 - 2023, has been released for circulation worldwide in print and e-book editions. "The anthology showcases 'the best of the best' short stories, poetry, … [More...]
Spy Reprints “Weeping Willow” by V.P. Loggins
Author's Note: "When I was an infant of six weeks, my parents took the decision to leave Birmingham, Alabama, where I was born. The family-my parents, grandparents, my brother, and myself-journeyed from Alabama to Indiana south of Chicago. From there we moved again, this time to Illinois. "Weeping Willow" is inspired by my early experiences … [More...]
Spy Reprints “Skimmers: A Love Story in Three Parts” by Patty McLaughlin
Author's Note: "When our children were young, we would spend our summers on Virginia's Eastern Shore - a much different world from our suburban Delaware existence. Of course, children grow up and away. That is the plan. Writing about this magical time together helps me feel closer to these far-away adults and reminds me to be grateful. Grateful for … [More...]
Spy Reprints “The Bricks of Baltimore” by Michael Salcman
Author's Note: "I believe I started writing 'The Bricks of Baltimore' after I read an article in The Baltimore Sun on the 10th of March 2021 about the deconstruction of Baltimore through the removal of bricks from Sparrow's Point and a variety of other sites in our city. I was especially moved by the fact that the bricks were then taken to … [More...]
Spy Reprints “The Accidental Lion” by Nicholas Katsanis
Author's Note: "The Accidental Lion tells the story of two childhood friends who took very different paths. Now, they have to understand who they are, who they wish to be, and whether they have the ability to transform. The story is inspired by Nietzsche's construct that used the lion and the lamb to argue that ethics and morality are created by … [More...]
Spy Reprints “Dippin’ Dots” by A. J. Granger
Author's Note: Tradition is like a mighty river; no matter how vast its depths, no matter how calm or turbulent its waters, the river always has a beginning and an end. Provoked by questions over my need for over-priced ice cream, "Dippin' Dots" is a conscious dive upstream, an attempt to traverse through memory and time to find the beginning of … [More...]
Spy Reprints “Love of Learning” by Esther Lim Palmer
Author's Note: "To spend more time with my seven-year-old daughter, I started learning the piano with her. This process of learning filled me with childlike joy and prompted 'Love of Learning.'"... [Continue Story] … [More...]
Spy Reprints “E Duo Unum” by Maxine Poe-Jensen
Editor's Note: The author is the Featured Student Writer for the 15th anniversary issue. She is the first recipient of the Talbot Arts and Delmarva Review Talbot County High School Mentorship Scholarship award. Author's Note: "As an only child, siblinghood has always been a mystery. I've always wondered what it would be like to have … [More...]
Spy Reprints “Butchery” by Josh Trapani
Editor's Note: "Butchery," from the 15th edition of the Delmarva Review, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in fiction. Author's Note: "When you're a scientist doing fieldwork in another part of the world, uncertainty comes with the territory. That includes the other scientists on your team. How will they act, especially if things go … [More...]
Spy Reprints “I Want to Order a Man from the Sweets Catalog” by Fran Abrams
Author's Note: "I wrote this poem after taking a class on how to write a cento. Looking for a source of words, I thought of the Sweets Construction Catalogue I had used when I worked in an architect's office after college. 'Sweets' then was a large collection of three-ring binders but is now online. As I dipped into its pages, … [More...]