Meet Our Editors
While we've taken very different journeys to Delmarva Review, our editors share in common a passion for great literature, fine art, and the joy of bringing new and seasoned voices to life.

Wilson Wyatt, Jr.
Executive Editor &
Delmarva Review Literary Fund Chairman
Wilson is one of the founders of the Delmarva Review and has been chairman of its publishing parent, the Delmarva Review Literary Fund Inc., since its inception in 2008. Professionally, he was the senior officer for corporate communications at three Fortune 500 corporations. He studied writing and English at Sewanee (University of the South) and was a reporter and feature writer at The Courier-Journal, in Kentucky. He is past president of the Eastern Shore Writers Association, former coordinator of the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference, and served on the board of The Writer’s Center, in Bethesda, where he participated in writing and publishing programs. In addition to writing, he is an avid nature photographer and published two books of photography. He lives on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Bill Gourgey
Managing Editor
Bill designs and publishes Delmarva Review. A former IT consultant to Fortune 500 companies, Bill made a living building software for myriad industries. Today, Bill teaches science writing at Johns Hopkins University, and he’s a contributing writer for Popular Science. He has also written for MIT Technology Review, Muse, WIRED, and more. His articles and essays explore science past, present, and future, such as artificial intelligence, jetpacks, quantum teleportation, robot umps, and vaccines. He’s also penned several novels. His Glide trilogy groks the future, specifically, how a brilliant inventor grapples with the long-term ramifications of his inventions. He lives in Washington, DC.

Anne Colwell
Poetry Editor
Delmarva Review’s Poetry Editor, Anne is a professor of English and creative writing at University of Delaware. She won the 2020 Individual Artist Fellowship for Established Literature: Creative Nonfiction, from the Delaware Division of Arts, and the 2013 Emerging Artist in Fiction Fellowship for her novel, Holy Day. Her poetry collections include Mother’s Maiden Name (2013) and Believing Their Shadows (2010, both by Word Poetry). Her book about the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Inscrutable Houses: Metaphors of the Body in the Poems of Elizabeth Bishop, was published by the University of Alabama Press.

Harold O. Wilson
Fiction Senior Editor
Hal lives with his wife Marilyn in Chester, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He studied at Wake Forest University and Andover Newton Theological School. Professionally, he worked in the community development field at national and international levels, which included publishing numerous articles on affordable housing and finance. Wilson retired from community development in 2003 and began writing poetry and fiction. His focus on fiction has been to explore ways that individuals seek to define themselves in a hostile world. His treatment of their success and failures in his first book, The Night Blooming Cereus and Other Stories, has been hailed as a tour de force. Wilson’s second book, A Taste of Salt, has been widely acclaimed. He served also as a host of the radio program, Delmarva Today, on Delmarva Public Media, featuring literary and other topics. Wilson and his wife Marilyn live in Chester, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Lee Slater
Fiction Coeditor
Lee is a professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, where she directs the World Cultural Studies undergraduate degree program. She holds a PhD from Brown University, and she brings her experiences teaching and presenting abroad—in France, Rwanda, Senegal, Japan, and Thailand—to ODU, advancing cultural exchange and understanding. She teaches world literature, global communication, and human rights. Her published writing includes translated works (from French), academic articles, essays, poetry, along with her podcast series, “This Global Life.”

Ellen Brown
Nonfiction Editor
Ellen received her undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Minnesota. A Midwest native, she started her writing career as a communicator for businesses and organizations focused on environmental issues and social change. She is a graduate of the MA in Science Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University, and currently lives in Duluth, Minnesota, where she writes about nature and explores the Northwoods with her husband and dogs.

Gerald F. Sweeney
Book Review Editor
Jerry iis a veteran and a graduate of Michigan. A retired New York magazine executive, he recently published Two Plays (2022), as well as a nonfiction book titled U.S. Composers and Poets (2022, revised and updated in 2024) and a book of short stories, Down Broadway - New York Stories (2021). As a novelist, he has completed a seven-book fictional series, The Columbiad, that follows one family through the twentieth century. The novels include Eagles Rising, First Lights, Crashing into Sunrise, A Tournament of a Distinguished White Order, Comes the Electric Circus, Yo Columbia!, and Wizard Ho! Sweeney is a past president of the Eastern Shore Writers Association.

Katherine Gekker
Poetry Assistant Editor
Katherine is the author of In Search of Warm Breathing Things (Glass Lyre Press). Her poems have appeared in Rappahannock Review, Calyx,Delmarva Review, and elsewhere, and have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes and Best of the Net. Two composers have set her poems to music: “…to Cast a Shadow Again” by Eric Ewazen, and “Chasing the Moon Down” by Carson Cooman. She lives in Northern Virginia.

Sawyer Gourgey
Assistant Website Manager
Born and raised in New Jersey and moved to Washington, DC when he was six. Sawyer has had an affiliation and love for the Chesapeake area his whole life. Currently, an undergraduate student a Case Western Reserve University.
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