Author’s Note: I wrote this essay as my granddaughter was preparing to live with me for several months during the pandemic. I’d never been alone with her for an extended period⎯her mother, my ... [Continue Story]

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay as my granddaughter was preparing to live with me for several months during the pandemic. I’d never been alone with her for an extended period⎯her mother, my ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Note: I wrote “Learn to Sail” in a poetry workshop. The assignment was to write about an instance where you misunderstood what was said. Just then a woman poked her head in the door, saying... [Continue Story]
Author’s note: In 1950’s Southern California, Mom didn’t have much money to spend on my birthday, so boys were invited to wear tattered clothes, smudge their faces, and join a nighttime gathering of “hobos” roasting hot dogs over a crackling campfire in our backyard. No wonder I later thumbed around America and hopped freights to New Orleans. My wanderlust eventually led me to haul my backpack around the world….as you’ll discover... [Continue Story]
Authors Note: This poem came to me while I was literally watching large slabs of ice flow down a Vermont river during a week in April when the ice broke up and the river began flowing again. Some ... [Continue Story]
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PO Box 544
St. Michaels, MD 21663
© Copyright Delmarva Review
Background photo credit: Wilson Wyatt, Jr.