“Departures” by Bohdan Dowhaluk
Bohdan Dowhaluk Departures "THIS WILL RUIN MY LIFE," said the recording. The red light on the answering machine had stopped blinking. "With the B you gave me, I will never get into graduate school now. I thought I would die when I saw the posting." A tremor dominated the message. The student failed to identify herself. Trying to guess the identity … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Prairie Fever” by Emily Rae Roberts
No Photo Available Emily Rae Roberts PRAIRIE FEVER Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. Adapted for podcast production by Delmarva Public Radio, Writer's Edition. Mira had no choice but to be caught up in the moment of silence, sitting on the half-crumpled sheets in apartment 5D, neck craning uncomfortably to stare at the slow rotation of the … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Epithalmion” by Daisy Bassen
D Bassen Daisy Bassen EPITHALMION Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. This will be easier than believing every appled fall The bulbs we plant, without benefit of camphor Or invocations against squirrels, will survive Smothering and come the April muds Turn a scarlet cheek to their betrayers. This will be Simpler than knowing the low moon of … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Autumn Sestina” by Adam Tamashasky
Adam Tamashasky Adam Tamashasky AUTUMN SESTINA Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. In the minutes before bedtime, evening’s gathering the last scraps of light to her orange sky. My daughter runs to another tree and leaves the last one to dim. We always end our days here on this corner lot lost behind a phalanx of trees, so it’s here shadows … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Responsibility ” by Holly Karapetkova
Holly Karapetkova Holly Karapetkova RESPONSIBILITY Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. Adapted for podcast production by Delmarva Public Radio, Writer's Edition. “When the kitchen breakfast is over, and the cook has put all things in their proper places, the mistress should go in to give her orders… The mistress must tax her own memory with … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Cantabile” by John McKeon
CANTABILE was produced as a radio broadcast by Delmarva Radio Theatre, hosted by Hal Wilson, and the lead character read by Anne Colwell. Check it out here. John McKeon John J. McKeon CANTABILE Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. Adapted for podcast production by Delmarva Radio Theatre. Schubert, it is said, had fat and … [More...]
Pushcart-nominated “Words of My Father/ Palabras de Mi Padre ” by Alejandro Pérez
Alejandro Pérez Alejandro Pérez WORDS OF MY FATHER/ PALABRAS DE MI PADRE Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 11. Always say hello, even if the others do not say hello back. We are Latinos, and Latinos always say hello. When you shake a hand, shake it firmly, and look a person in the eyes. Never look away. Character goes a long way in life. And … [More...]
“Usherette” by Marcelle Thiebeaux
Marcelle Thiebeaux Marcelle Thiébaux USHERETTE Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 8. Adapted for podcast production by Delmarva Radio Theatre. By four o’clock Gypsy set out each day for Loew’s Jersey Palace on Journal Square. Her usherette’s burgundy uniform with the marigold braid, her military cap, gilt shoes, and flashlight stayed in her … [More...]
“Mrs. Morrisette” by Margaret Rodenberg
Margaret Rodenberg Margaret Rodenberg MRS. MORRISETTE Excerpt from Delmarva Review Volume 4. Adapted for podcast production by Delmarva Radio Theatre. Used with permission, “Mrs. Morrisette” was first published in the 2010 San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology. Mrs. Morrisette had taken to sunbathing in the nude. Mr. Morrisette … [More...]