Author’s Note: Originally, I wrote this poem for Iranians who were killed during the peaceful protest on November 15, 2019 and those people who died in the Ukrainian airplane shot down in Tehran, on ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Note: Originally, I wrote this poem for Iranians who were killed during the peaceful protest on November 15, 2019 and those people who died in the Ukrainian airplane shot down in Tehran, on ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Note: I wrote this essay as my granddaughter was preparing to live with me for several months during the pandemic. I’d never been alone with her for an extended period⎯her mother, my ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Note: I wrote “Learn to Sail” in a poetry workshop. The assignment was to write about an instance where you misunderstood what was said. Just then a woman poked her head in the door, saying... [Continue Story]
Author’s note: In 1950’s Southern California, Mom didn’t have much money to spend on my birthday, so boys were invited to wear tattered clothes, smudge their faces, and join a nighttime gathering of “hobos” roasting hot dogs over a crackling campfire in our backyard. No wonder I later thumbed around America and hopped freights to New Orleans. My wanderlust eventually led me to haul my backpack around the world….as you’ll discover... [Continue Story]
Authors Note: This poem came to me while I was literally watching large slabs of ice flow down a Vermont river during a week in April when the ice broke up and the river began flowing again. Some ... [Continue Story]
Author’s note: The Florida Keys are a place unlike any other and wishful thinking, I suppose, led me to recall the wide expanses of water, the individual islands arrowing through it, and then I remembered the Big Pine Key Road prison and the marinas and roadside bars nearby, where anything could happen. A romance happened, […]
Author’s Note: I learned of the discovery of this exoplanet in the newspaper. What intrigued me was the discussion of the parent star lodged in the constellation Cancer and the "subtle tugs" on that ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Note: It’s pretty quiet right now on the Chester River. We’ve pulled our boats and turned our gardens under. Now gray skies and bare trees come alive with the migratory birds that are my favorite Fall visitors. This poem is just to say, even with the disruption […]
Author’s Note: My stories fall into modes. Some are set in rural Virginia, others in countries overseas where I lived and worked. Some seek their setting in Western New York, where I grew up. Some, ... [Continue Story]
Author’s Comment: This poem was triggered by the difficulty of witnessing the dying and ultimate death of my dear aunt, listening to her regrets and feeling a sense of guilt for gathering her ... [Continue Story]
Delmarva Review Literary Fund
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St. Michaels, MD 21663
© Copyright Delmarva Review
Background photo credit: Wilson Wyatt, Jr.